Friday 16 November 2007


Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

This makes perfect sense to me considering I do think I have the best of everything.

First and most importantly I have God Given Faith to believe that Jesus Christ has done it all and I will one day be in heaven.

Secondly I have a loving husband who takes great care of me.

Thirdly I have children I am proud off.

Lastly I have my health.

What more could I want?

Monday 5 November 2007


Laura tagged me and I guess it's time I played! I guess I really should get this over with!

The rules of this are:
1. Link the person who has tagged you.
2. Tell seven true things about yourself.
3. Tag seven new people.
4. Leave a message with the person you have tagged so they know about it.

Now to state seven truths about myself............. not sure about tagging seven new people I think I only have two on my list...

1. I love to travel... although I can't really afford to.
2. I spent a year in the Salvation Army Training College when I was much younger.
3. Four years of my childhood were spent in a National Children's Home.
4. I wanted six children... but God only blessed me with two.
5. I'm very very spoilt by a wonderful man... thank you Richard.
6. I would love the opportunity to once more play in a brass band.
7. I hate housework but hate a dirty house more.

I can only tag one person but she has many that she can tag.
It's now your turn Evette Actually I think I shall tag Evette's friend Yvonne