Tuesday 29 June 2010

Last Day in Grand Marais

We are now in the evening of our last day here.  Richard took the morning to change some electrical parts, the isolator and another unit, we were hoping that one or the other was the reason for not having any coach power when we aren't plugged in to an electrical power.

Here he is busy in the engine.  While he was busy with that I was amusing myself with taking pictures of Katie.

Katie spent her day following the sun around in the Motor Home.

In the afternoon I pursued-ed Richard to take me on another hike.  I wanted to see if I could find a rare plant that we managed to find in 2008.  I did enjoy the trek going up a steep grass hill and searching the edge of the trees for the elusive plant.  I did take pictures of other plants so have included some here.

These two pictures show a thistle, I'm afraid it wasn't in bloom yet but had Richard show how tall it had grown.

These two show the flowering grass that is to be found in this area they grow in single stems.

This is wild honeysuckle... at least I think that is what it's called.

Some interesting moss that looked like miniature pine... Hard to see but double white bell flower.

This is really common but such a pretty yellow... and these white flowers are very tiny and just perfect.

I saw this orange showing through the underbrush thinking it was a ball but once uncovered it was a very interesting toadstool.

This is the view above the harbour as you can tell I trekked up quite a slope.

Richard took these of me still climbing up the trail... I didn't want to return via the road so we retraced our steps back down to the camp ground.

My last two pictures one is of horse tail fern (grass) you can see the sectioned spokes and one blooming; the other one is wild raspberry.

Once we were back at the motor home we sat at the picnic table drinking beer, wine cooler's for me, and playing tile rummy.  Then Richard put all our chairs away and other items that needed to be placed in the basement areas of the RV, this will save time tomorrow morning when we begin our journey home via Duluth to shop first.

Even though the weather wasn't the best I have really enjoyed my stay here in Grand Marais.

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